
Showing posts from May, 2019

Blood Cancer Treatment In India| How Ayurveda Helps In Effective Cancer Treatment?

In blood cancer, the disease mainly affects the white blood cells or the components of blood providing energy to the body in fighting against the infections. In a person suffering from blood cancer or leukaemia, there is a possible mutation in the DNA which results in the production of a number of immature white blood cells namely blasts. According to Ayurveda, such kinds of disorders of blood are a result of pitta aggravation. The blood cancer treatment in India uses a holistic approach whereby the use of contemporary methods of treatment of cancer is employed alongside the principles of Ayurvedic treatment for complete cure of the disease.                                          In Ayurveda, blood is considered as ‘jiva’ or life. It is one of the seven body tissues which must be in ...

The Life Affirming Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment

Human beings are mortal. Both the mind and body of every single individual are bound to wither as a natural effect. There are several diseases that affect the human mind and body and take it to the condition of death. Although, science and medical research have for the treatment and prevention ways to a lot many of these diseases, yet there are some that are quite untreatable even now. Cancer is one such deadly disease that still cannot be treated at a hundred percent success rate, and hence, is responsible for the death of a large number of people every year all around the globe. Immunotherapy Cancer treatment is the gift of Ayurveda science of medicine that forms the perfect replacement for the painful cancer treatment method of chemotherapy.                                            ...